Science & Technology Select Committee: Science & Heritage Follow-up 2012
Audio recording from Science and Technology Select Committee: Science and Heritage Follow-up. 28th February 2012.
Video footage from Science and Technology Select Committee: Science and Heritage Follow-up. 6th March 2012.
Session 1 Witnesses: Dr Edward Impey, Director, Heritage Protection and Planning, English Heritage; Sarah Staniforth, Historic Properties Director, National Trust; Dr Michael Dixon, Director, Natural History Museum.
Session 2 Witnesses: Nancy Bell, The National Archives; Alison Richmond, Chief Executive, Institute for Conservation; and Dr David Saunders, Keeper, Dept of Conservation and Scientific Research, British Museum
Video footage from Science and Technology Select Committee: Science and Heritage Follow-up. 13th March 2012.
Session 1 Witnesses: David Willetts MP, Minister for Science and Universities, BIS; and John Penrose MP, Minister for Tourism and Heritage, DCMS
Session 2 Witnesses: Professor Heather Viles, Professor of Biogeomorphology and Heritage, University of Oxford.
Video footage from Science and Technology Select Committee: Science and Heritage Follow-up. 27th March 2012.
Witnesses: Simon Cane, Head of Museum Operations, Birmingham Museums and Art Gallery; Dr Siobhan Watts, Head of Conservation Science, National Museums Liverpool