Thank You from the Chair of the NHSF
A thank you message from the Chair of the National Heritage Science Forum, Professor Chris Gaffney.
It's been nearly a year since I was appointed as Chair of the NHSF Bard of Trustees. I'd like to thank members for their hard work over the last year to further the aims of the Forum. Of particular note is the launch of the Strategic Framework for Heritage Science in the UK (2024-2027) which took place in November, and represents the culmination of a year's work to explore challenges and opportunities to be addressed through collaboration. The Framework reflects the direction of travel for not only our members but colleagues from across the heritage science community across the UK. It provides us with the opportunity to strengthen the field of heritage science and build new connections with people from other disciplines and areas of practice.
Thank you for your support of the Forum in 2024 and we look forward to working with you in 2025.