Careers in Heritage Science: opportunities and constraints

NHSF has published the findings of their research into pathways into postgraduate training and careers in heritage science, with Culture Syndicates CIC. The report outlines the motivations behind applying for heritage science courses; whether postgraduates consider themselves to be heritage scientists; what their future goals and aspirations are; and their career pathways. 

The report also interviewed training providers and employers in heritage science, to seek their perspective on heritage science as a field and their experiences of recruiting for postgraduate roles and opportunities. The wider context of the heritage science landscape provided by these interviews contextualises the findings from student and alumni interviews and seeks to present an overview of the opportunities and constraints for those embarking on a career in heritage science.

As a detailed insight into pathways of heritage scientists, this report will be invaluable to prospective students, ECRs and alumni, policy-makers, training providers and employers in heritage science. 

Box image: Maureen Young, HES Conservation Scientist, using an infrared camera on the roof of Bute House. Copyright HES. 

Careers in Heritage Science: Opportunities and Constraints [PDF]