I spent eight years as collections manager for a national art gallery project in the Caribbean. Despite having a lot of fun administering their conservation programme, I realised there was…
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Following an undergraduate degree in Archaeological and Forensic Sciences, I was awarded a Heritage Science Scholarship funded by Historic Royal Palaces to study part-time for an MRes. degree at UCL.
I worked for about six years in projects related to preservation and documentation of the cultural and natural heritage. Although I had a computer science background, my work experience increased…
I laid the foundations for my future conservation studies by volunteering at National Museums Liverpool's Conservation Centre. There I learned first-hand about the work of a conservation scientist, including how…
As part of a BA course in object conservation at Cardiff University, I completed two months' work experience at the Museum of Transport in Glasgow.
After completing my undergraduate degree in Physics with Astrophysics at Trinity College, Dublin, I moved to conservation by studying for a Graduate Diploma in Conservation at the University of Lincoln…