Seminar- Making Heritage Science Data FAIR and Impactful
On 11th February NHSF organised a one-day seminar on heritage science data in partnership with ERIHS-UK and the Icon Heritage Science Group. The programme gave an oversight of the different challenges of, and approaches to, the management of heritage science data with case studies from Fishbourne Roman Palace, ISIS Neutron and Muon Source Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and Historic England (the latter focusing on BIM). Claire Tsang from Historic England led a data management workshop in the afternoon which ran in parallel with papers from the Archaeology Data Service, an Open Access Repository Pilot Project (British Library and Tate) and a paper that addressed the question 'What is the role of heritage science data in making the economic case for cultural heritage?'. The final panel session included discussion on what it is about heritage science data that makes it unique and therefore valuable.
The programme on the day was as follows, and included below are some of the powerpoints from the day:
10.55-11.05 Welcome and Introduction, May Cassar, UCL
11.05-12.30 Papers: Heritage Science Data
Cases studies chaired by May Cassar, UCL
11.05 -11.30 Curating the data –A regional museum perspective
Robert Symmons, Fisbourne Roman Palace, Sussex Past
11.30-11.55 Managing data as part of research infrastructure
Antonella Scherillo, ISIS Neutron and Muon Source Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
11.55-12.20 BIM – using data for managing heritage assets in 21st Century
Paul Bryan, Historic England
12.30-13.30 Lunch
13.30 – 15.00 Data Management Workshop
Led by Claire Tsang. Historic England.
13.30 – 15.00 Papers: Heritage Science Data; dissemination and impact,
chaired by Barney Sloane, Historic England
13.30-14.00 The Archaeology Data Service, DIGILABs and ARIADNEplus
Tim Evans, Archaeology Data Service, University of York
14.00-14.30 Making heritage science data FAIR: the Open Access Repository Pilot Project
Sara Gould, British Library and Luigi Galimberti, Tate
Maja Maricevic, British Library
15.00-15.30 Break
15.30-16.15 Panel Observations facilitated by Gill Campbell, NHSF/ Historic England
Panel Members: May Cassar, Tim Evans, Maja Maricevic, Joe Padfield (National Gallery), Barney Sloane.
16.15 -16.30 Introduction to The UCL Heritage Imaging Lab
Adam Gibson, UCL
16.30-17.30 Tours of the Heritage Imaging Lab and the SEAHA Mobile Heritage Lab
Led by Charlie Willard and Josep Grau-Bove
16.30-18.00 Reception